What is the most unhealthy food you enjoy and won‘t stop eating?
Like these…
‘Hainanese Chicken Rice’ is a dish of poached chicken and chicken-oil seasoned rice, served with condiments. At one time it was a ‘no-skin-breast-meat’ set with plain white rice, of course skin and thigh meat was more enjoyable.
and this…
I was a die-hard follower of this ‘pork stew in herb’, eating ‘bak kut teh’ (‘pork rib tea’) as often as 3 times a week regularly for a couple of years. My favourite shop was just 5 mins from my office then. Gave it up totally in fact absolutely ‘no pork’ for over a year. Sustained myself with South Indian ‘banana leaf rice’ with vegetables only, no meat for a long spell. I can’t remember when I had this pork stew, must have been last year.
this too…
I often drink a bit of red wine when eating Chinese roast duck or roast pork; particularly loved the skin of both roasts - truly sumptuous. Stopped everything overnight including the drinking. Of course I miss them all. But will indulge when there’s a special dinner in a Chinese restaurant - which isn’t often.